Bachhala Malli is a Drama Movie Directed by Subbu, Produced by Rajesh Danda. The film stars Allari N more...
Sorgavaasal is an action drama film directed by Sidharth Vishwanath and produced by Swipe Right Stud more...
Rakesh, a happy-go-lucky young mechanic, must take on the ruthless land grabber to save his beloved more...
Surya, a bank employee, learns that his girlfriend Swathi, a bank employee in a different bank, has more...
Bhairathi Ranagal delves into the story of Ranagal. How did he rise to such prominence? The film foc more...
A warrior in the 1678 dies due to a disease, in the present a girl does research on the disease whic more...
Matka tells the story of Vasu, who rises from poverty to create a powerful gambling empire in India, more...
Abhiram and Akira, a young couple residing in the USA, find their lives thrown into turmoil when Aki more...
Rishi dreams of becoming a racer while living a modest life in London. He falls for Tara, a student more...
A fake ghostbuster is blackmailed into helping a royal family with their haunted palace, but dueling more...
Honor, love and sacrifice collide as Major Mukund Varadarajan and his wife, Indhu, navigate an emoti more...
A middle-class bank clerk who longs to trade stability for adventure gets more than he bargained for more...
Karthik, a law school dropout, is sent to live with his sister and her in-laws for his impulsive and more...
Abhinaya Vasudev, habitually reading others letters, wakes with no memory in a high-security interro more...
Childhood pals scattered worldwide reconnect after years apart. Together, they road trip across Indi more...
Das Ka Dhamki
17 February 2023
17 March 2023
Khaidi 2019
25 October 2019
13 April 2023
03 June 2022
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