Bulbbul is a Supernatural Thriller Movie Directed by Anvita Dutt, produced by Anushka Sharma and Kar more...
Ghost Stories is an anthology horror film, consisting of four short film segments. Directed by Karan more...
Aaviri is a horror thriller film written, directed, and produced by Ravi Babu. The movie stars Neha more...
Ashwin is a auto driver live in a colony where some people troubles him. One day ashwin saves a girl more...
Jagan(Siddharth) is a food safety officer, who investigate food adulteration happening in various f more...
Rishi(Sundeep Kishan) and Diya(Anya Singh) are happily married couple. One day their car met with an more...
Lisaa(Anjali) went to Kodaikanal with Jaggu(Sam Jones) to visit her grandparents house. But her gran more...
Shiva (Vijay Devarakonda) comes to Hyderabad to live with his friend (Madhunandan) and find a job. T more...
Raju (Jai) is a Play Boy who dreams of becoming a millionaire. He comes to know that he can earn 5 c more...
Chandu & Nitya are lovers who break up with each other because of a tiny issue. This is also the tim more...
Vaishnavi (Trisha) is a famous Chef. She goes to London to help her friends Ambujam (Gayatri Rema) a more...
Jeevanandam (Jai) is aspiring filmmaker travels to Ooty along with his wife Jacqueline (Anjali) and more...
Three youngsters Ashwin (Ashwin Babu), Kishore (Vennela Kishore), and Praveen (Praveen) deciding to more...
Gopala Krishna(Rajendra Prasad) buy a new house for his daughter marriage. Later, he identifies that more...
Arjun(Nikhil) is a visual effect supervisor who fails in love. One day, he takes his friend(Vennela more...
Das Ka Dhamki
17 February 2023
17 March 2023
Khaidi 2019
25 October 2019
13 April 2023
03 June 2022
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