Bachchala Malli
Bachhala Malli is a Drama Movie Directed by Subbu, Produced by Rajesh Danda. The film stars Allari Naresh, Amritha Aiyer in lead roles, Rohini, Sai Kumar, Rao Ramesh, Hari Teja and others in important roles. Music Composed by Vishal Chandrashekhar, while Cinematography work done by Richard M. Nathan and Editing by Chota K. Prasad. Bachhala Malli tells the story of Malli, a bright and ambitious young man whose life takes a sharp turn after a pivotal decision by his father. Once determined and focused, Malli becomes rebellious but finds love and hope with Kaveri. However, their love faces unexpected challenges, forcing him to confront his past and find answers to the mistakes that changed his life.
Set in the 1990's, the story follows the emotional and action-filled journey of Bachhala Malli, a rural hero.