Mike is a Drama movie directed by Vishnu Sivaprasad and Produced by John Abraham. The movie stars Ranjith Sajeev and Anaswara Rajan in lead roles, Rohini Molletti, Jinu Joseph, Akshay Radhakrishnan, Abhiram Radhakrishnan, Dayyana Hameed, Karthik Manikandan, Rakesh Murali, Rahul, Nehan, Roshan, Chandra, Vettukili Prakash, Sini Abraham in supporting roles. Music Composed by Hesham Abdul Wahab, Cinematography work done by Renadive and Editing by Vivek Harshan.
Sarah aka Mike (Anaswara Rajan) is on her gender transitioning journey. She meets Antony (Ranjith Sajeev), an youngster with alcohol use disorder. The quick camaraderie developed persuades the duo to travel ahead together.