Karungaapiyam is a Horror Mystery Directed by Deekay, Produced by Padarthi Padmaja. The film stars Kajal Aggarwal, Regina Cassandra, Janani Iyer, Aadhav Kannadasan, Kalaiyarasan, Yogi Babu, Aditi Ravindranath, TSK, Sherlin Seth, Noyrika and Lollu Sabha Manohar in important roles. Music Composed by Prasad SN, while Cinematography work done by Vignesh Vasu and Editing by Vijay velukutty.
Karungaapiyam tells the story of how people's lives were planned out and everything about the future was written down in the distant past. When Kajal Aggarwal was brutally kicked out of her village by throwing stones at her head, she died and turned into a ghost that imposed vengeance on subsequent generations of villagers.