Narakasura is an Action Adventure Film Directed by Sebastian Noah Acosta Junior. The film stars Rakshit Atluri, Aparna Janardanan , Sangeerthana Vipin, Shatru, Nasser, Charan Raj, Sriman, SS Kanchi, Gayatri Ravishankar, Tej Charan Raj, Kaartheek Saahas, Gara Raja Rao, Fish Venkat, Mast Ali, Bhanu Teja, Lakshman, Ramu, Devangana, Pintu Sharma, Pramod Chaturvedi and others in important roles.
In a realm of coffee and pepper, Shiva's vanishing act sparks a journey of secrets, love, and power. Amid the chaos, a hidden romance, and a transgender community's struggle, lead to a gripping climax of sacrifices and a cataclysmic clash.