Pindam is a Horror Drama Movie Directed by Saikiran Daida, Produced by Yeshwanth Daggumati, Prabhu Raja. The film stars Srikanth, Easwari Rao, Ravi Varma, Srinivas Avasarala, Srilatha, Kushee Ravi, Vijayalakshmi, Baby Chaitra and others in important roles. Music Composed by Krishna Saurabh, while Cinematography work done by Sathish Manoharan and Editing by Sirish Prasad.
A powerful spirit that had never seen the face of earth, starts to threaten the life of a six year old girl who is "speaking impaired" and also her family. It is up to "Annamma" to rescue the family by finding out the real intention behind this spirit and its history.