Ninnila Ninnila is a romantic comedy entertainer, directed by Ani Sasi. The movie is titled as Theen more...
Chakra is an upcoming Action Thriller, directed by Anand Shankar starring, Vishal, Regina Cassandra more...
Devidas Thakur(Vidyut Jammwal) called as Devi, is the son of the Mumbai crime boss Kalidas Thakur (M more...
Virat (Sai Dharam Tej) vows to remain single forever and forms a union called ‘Solo Brathuke So Be more...
Ravi (Jayam Ravi) who is a twelfth standard student falls in love with his classmate Nikkita (Samyuk more...
Ranasingam (Vijay Sethupathi) who fight for good and for people around him has died in Dubai, where more...
Satya, a police officer probing a suicide case, gets sucked into the nerve-racking complexity of the more...
Amrutha(Amita Ranganath) and Ram(Ram Mittakanti) love each other and decide to live together before more...
Nasir Jamal alias Naate(Aditya Rawal) is a teenage boy lives in Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh). His fathe more...
Operation Parindey is an Action Drama film directed by Sanjay Gadhvi and produced by Arti Gudal, sta more...
Bhanu, who suffers from a conversion disorder that makes her go blind when she sees blood, falls in more...
Former Chief Minister Kashi Viswanath (Joy Badlani) is killed by Shankar (Ram Pothineni), who commit more...
Hari(Darshan) and his friend Umapathy (Dheena) went to Top Slip to paint a tiger statue and colorful more...
The movie is divided in to five chapters: The Seven Sisters, An Unsettling Peace, Bleed India with T more...
Arjun (Nani) quits cricket and was jobless and always scolded by his wife Sarah (Shraddha Srinath). more...
Das Ka Dhamki
17 February 2023
17 March 2023
Khaidi 2019
25 October 2019
13 April 2023
03 June 2022
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