Family Drama
Family Drama is a Psycho Thriller Drama, Directed by Meher Tej and Produced by Chashma Films and Noothana Bharathi Films. The movie stars Suhas, Teja Kasarapu, Pooja Kiran, Anusha Nuthula, Shruti Meher, Sanjay Ratha and others. Music composed by Ajay and Sanjay, Editing work done by Ramakrishna Arram and Cinematography by Venkat R Shakamuri.A shrewd father kicks his son out of the house for not getting a job and threatens the younger one of the same fate if he doesn't start to earn. The brothers decide to mix a drug in his coffee and slowly paralyze him for the rest of his life. Their mother needs a little convincing, but she agrees. Their wives, however, are unaware of their husband's deeds, but how long does it take for them to see their true colours?
An eccentric maniac and a dysfunctional family..