Matka tells the story of Vasu, who rises from poverty to create a powerful gambling empire in India, ultimately leading the nation into a battle with the government. Based on real events, the tale explores themes of love, moral choices, and the consequences of ambition. Matka is a Period Action Thriller film written and directed by Karuna Kumarm Produced by Vijender Reddy Teegala and Rajani Talluri, under Vyra Entertainments and SRT Entertainments. The film stars Varun Tej, Meenakshi Chaudhary in lead roles, Naveen Chandra, Ajay Ghosh, Nora Fatehi, Saloni Aswani, Satyam Rajesh, Kishore, Ravi Shankar and others in important roles. Music Composed by G. V. Prakash Kumar, while Cinematography work done by A. Kishor Kumar and Editing by Karthika Srinivas.
The story takes place between 1958 and 1982 in Visakhapatnam, based on real life incidents. It follows 24 years in the life of Vasu, a prominent Matka gambler and gangster.