Home Movies Pilla Rakshasi
Pilla Rakshasi

Pilla Rakshasi

Annmaria is a 10-year-old girl, daughter of Dr. Roy(Saiju Kurup) and Dr. Teresa Roy(Leona Lishoy). Ann always listen stories of angel who blessed her father to earn medal in long jump. One day, she overhears her PT Teacher talking with her English teacher badly and complaints to principal. PT teacher deliberately disqualifies Ann as revenge. Ann approaches her friend Avinash and arranges a goon to beat up PT teacher. The rest of the story is about how Ann complete her dream of meeting Angel?

A Preachy Feel Good Entertainer.....

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Watch Pilla Rakshasi Full Movie Directed by Midhun Manuel Thomas, Starring Sunny Wayne, Leona Lishoy, Which Is Released In The Year 2016, Streaming online on OTT Platform / Partner Youtube