Home Movies Bhale Unnade

Bhale Unnade

The story revolves around Radha, a 25-year-old skilled saree draper residing in SDI Colony with his single mother, Gowri. Radha embodies the essence of an old-school gentleman with his traditional beliefs. In the backdrop of a bank where Radha's mother works, he encounters Krishna, a vibrant and intelligent individual with a modern ideology. However, their first meeting leaves a strong dislike brewing within Krishna towards Radha. Meanwhile, Krishna befriends Gowri, who kindly shares the lunch that her son cooks for her every day. Krishna, unaware that Gowri's son is Radha himself, develops a liking for his delicious food. As their stories unfold together, Krishna and Gowri's son exchange secret messages, and she finds herself falling in love with him, not knowing he is the same person she dislikes. They grow closer through the heartfelt messages they share. Then, one day, Krishna discovers that Gowri's son and Radha are the same person, and her feelings for him turn into love.

Bhale Unnade is a Drama Movie Directed by Siva Sai Vardhan, Produced by N.V. Kiran Kumar. The film stars Raj Tarun, Manisha Kandkur, Satish Saripalli and others in important roles. Music Composed by Sekhar Chandra, while Cinematography work done by Siddam Manohar and Editing by Srikanth Patnaik R.

Radha, a saree draper, falls for Krishna, who's hesitant about intimacy. Seeking wisdom, Radha understands love's depth beyond physical bonds. But Krishna's parents oppose their marriage, disrupting their relationship.

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Watch Bhale Unnade Full Movie Directed by Siva Sai Vardhan, Starring Raj Tarun, Manisha Kandkur, Which Is Released In The Year 2024, Streaming online on OTT Platform / Partner Etv Win