Home Movies Guvva Gorinka

Guvva Gorinka

Sirisha loves music and aspires to major in music. But her father takes promise from her that she would marry the man he chooses if she wants to moves to the city and learn violin. Sadasivam is a mechanical engineer who hates sounds. Sirisha promises her father and leaves to Hyderabad. While in Hyderabad, she has to share accommodation with Sadasivam. The rest of the Story revolves around these two differnet personalities who constantly try to annoy each other but end up falling for each other. Will they travel together till the end?

Two Different Tweets.. Tune into a Melody..

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Watch Guvva Gorinka Full Movie Directed by Mohan Babu Bammidi, Starring Satyadev Kancharana, Priyaa Lal, Which Is Released In The Year 2020, Streaming online on OTT Platform / Partner Amazon Prime   Netflix