Home Movies Jyothi Lakshmi

Jyothi Lakshmi

Satya (Satyadev) is a software engineer who falls in love with a prostitute Jyothilakshmi (Charmy). He visits her home daily and spends most of his time with her. One day, he ask Jyothilakshmi to marry him. After seeing his honesty, Jyothilakshmi decides to start a new life and elope with Satya. The rest of the story is about the problems they face from the society..

Bold Movie by Puri

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Watch Jyothi Lakshmi Full Movie Directed by Puri Jagannadh, Starring Satyadev Kancharana, Charmy Kaur, Which Is Released In The Year 2015, Streaming online on OTT Platform / Partner Hotstar