Kumari Srimathi
Kumari Srimathi is a Comedy Drama Series directed by Gomtesh Upadhye, Produced by Swapna Dutt and Priyanka Dutt. The series stars Nithya Menen, Thiruveer, Gauthami, Talluri Rameshwari, Prem Sagar ,Praneeta Patnaik, Dr Vijayakrishna Naresh, Lakshmi Vennelaa, Ushasree, Gavireddy Srinivas, Akshay Lagusani,Mahesh Achanta, Madhavilatha, Subbaraya Sharma, Ram & Laxman, Srivani, Venu Polasani and others in important roles. Music Composed by Staccato and Kamran, while Cinematography work done by Mohana Krishna and Editing by Srujana Adusumilli.
Get ready to laugh, cry and cheer as Srimathi takes on life’s challenges head-on.