Laggam is an emotional family drama centered on the journey of Chaitanya and Maanasa, beginning with a vibrant showcase of Telangan's rich cultural heritage through a traditional wedding filled with colorful rituals and customs. However, as the story progresses, unexpected twists lead to an emotional journey, taking the audience through various ups and downs of life. Laggam is a Family Drama Movie Directed by Ramesh Cheppala, Produced by Venu Gopal Reddy under M/s. Subishi Entertainments. The film stars Sai Ronak, Pragya Nagra, and Rajendra Prasad in lead roles, Music Composed by Charan Arjun, while Cinematography work done by MN Bal Reddy and Editing by Bonthala Nageswara Reddy.
A family who passes through various harsh situations in life. Every situation tests their bonding but the family tries to overcome every situation.