Yevam is a Crime, Thriller movie Directed by Prakash Dantuluri, Produced by Pavan Goparaju, Raju Penmetsa. The film stars Chandini Chowdary, Kalpitha, Ramesh Konambhotla, Devi Prasad, Jai Bharat Raj, Goparaju Ramana, Ashu Reddy, Vasishta N. Simha and others in important roles. Music Composed by Neelesh Mandalapu, Keertana Sesh, while Cinematography work done by S.V. Vishweshwar and Editing by Srujana Adusumilli.
In the small town of Vikarabad, a female police officer Soumya, who is determined to prove herself, is paired with a sincere PoliceOfficer Abhiram, to unravel the sinister motives of Yugandhar who has a wishlist of young fan girls of stars