Yaathisai is a Historical Fiction Action Adventure film written and directed by Dharani Rasendran. The film stars Shakthi Mithran, Seyon Rajalakshmi, Samar and Vaidhegi Amarnat in lead roles with Guru Somasundaram, Chandrakumar, Semmalar Annam, Subathra and Vijay Seyon in supporting roles. Music is Composed by Chakravarthy, while Cinematography work done by Akilesh Kathamuthu and Edited by Mahendran Ganesan.
A war between Cheras and Pandiyas restarted during the reign of Pandiyan King Arikesari. When Arikesari partially retires, his son Ranadheera Pandiya takes charge of the army. Meanwhile, the Cheras ask help from Cholas to stand against Pandiyas and a plan to kill Ranadheera Pandiyan was executed. Will the plan be successful?